Here are all our Xojo articles and downloadable items
Table of Contents
Xojo API 2.0 - What and why? (10/16/2022)
Xojo API 2.0 - Filling the gaps with Extensions - DesktopPopupMenu (10/28/2022)
Xojo API 2.0 - Filling the gaps with Extensions - DesktopApplication & FolderItem (10/28/2022)
Who's Afraid of the Dark? - Making Dark Mode Work (10/28/2022)
Managing User Input, DesktopTextField and Beyond (Part 1) (10/30/2022)
Managing User Input, DesktopTextField and Beyond (Part 2) (11/4/2022)
Software Design Pitfalls - Design Philosophy (11/6/2022)
A Smart Window Menu for Your App (11/6/2022)
Simple Icon Magick (11/6/2022)
Downloads (Free and Open, but no Warranty)
- LDS_Extensions - this is the latest version of all the LDS Xojo Class Extensions (updated 10/28/2022)
- LDS_DesktopPopupMenu_Extensions - this is the module with the LDS Xojo Class Extensions for DesktopPopupMenu (updated 10/28/2022)
- LDS_DesktopApplication_Extensions - this is the module with the LDS Xojo Class Extensions for DesktopApplication (updated 10/28/2022)
- LDS_DesktopWindow_Extensions - this is the module with the LDS Xojo Class Extensions for DesktopWindow (updated 10/28/2022)
- LDS_FolderItem_Extensions - this is the module with the LDS Xojo Class Extensions for FolderItem (updated 10/28/2022)
- LDS_DarkMode_AppearanceChangeManager - Good this is the latest version of all the LDS DarkMode AppearanceChangeManager code (updated 10/28/2022)
- LDS_DarkMode_AppearanceChangeAutoManager - Better this is the latest version of all the LDS DarkMode AppearanceChangeAutoManager code (updated 10/28/2022)
- LDS_DesktopTextField_Texter (Project) -Version 1.0Version 2.0 Xojo project (Zipped) and MacOS Application Version 1.0Version 2.0 to explore DesktopTextField settings (updated 11/4/2022)
- LDS_DesktopNumberTextField - here are the LDS_DesktopNumberTextField and LDS_SystemFormatting classes (posted 11/4/2022)
- LDS_DesktopWindowMenuListable - here are the LDS_DesktopWindowMenuListable classes (posted 11/6/2022)
- LDS_IconImages_1 - here are a whole group of icon images drawn by me and made freely available for use (posted 11/6/2022)